Transition To New Webpage

I am in the process of transitioning my portfolio to another host site. It is taking longer than expected due to family and medical issues. Please keep an eye out for the new grand opening, it will be spectacular. Thanks, Bob

Complications in life, some great and some not so, have stalled my hopes for a fantastic transition…but we are getting closer. Thanks for your patience. Bob

Toys for Tots Children Fun Day December 2022

Toys for Tots are locally organized with tremendous efforts from volunteers and community support. This event is a donation I shoot every year, and often other events tell the story of putting smiles on those less fortunate youngsters. Every child who attended this day received at least one toy, with the message of hope to assisting them in becoming responsible, productive, and patriotic citizens. Volunteering, donating, and sharing great news are always my honor. 

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