Travel 2024

I started the year in Florida with a commercial shot, then drove to Colorado for an independent sports team shoot, a skiing shoot, a rock climbing shoot, and a landscape shoot. Spring started with attending “Shutterfest” in St. Louis and finished with another back road drive to and from Colorado. The summer had several local area customer shoots for magazines and some fall color shoots. October and November had us driving back and forth to Florida and Colorado, including a favorite of ours at Disney World and Shades of Green Resort. We finished the year in Florida and Georgia (Savannah) for some architecture shoots, then drove through SC and NC to view the hurricane devastation. I got some shots on the ground and aerial video of decimated valleys. It gives you a potent reminder about disasters that can hit anyone and anywhere, from fires to blizzards to hurricanes to manmade catastrophes. 

Transition To New Webpage

I am in the process of transitioning my portfolio to another host site. It is taking longer than expected due to family and medical issues. Please keep an eye out for the new grand opening, it will be spectacular. Thanks, Bob

Complications in life, some great and some not so, have stalled my hopes for a fantastic transition…but we are getting closer. Thanks for your patience. Bob

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