River Calls My Name 02/23/2022

Living in a city located along the Mississippi River and near large bodies of water, my entire life opens up a new perspective every single new day. Putting those views into oil, photographs, or aerial images brings me joy to share with others. My new adventures as an international photojournalist will always bring me back to America’s river roads and backroads to keep in touch with my roots. My experiences living overseas for five years and my travels over the globe the past two decades make me realize that life is about both the means and the ends. However, it is the people that make the path worth traveling. Once my business plan and equipment upgrades are complete and the pandemic subsides, we will be traveling across the large bodies of water to bring you new and exciting editorials, documentaries, and photo exhibitions from the planet earth. Until then, enjoy some of my recent favorites taken along the Mississippi River. Wishing all of you the best successes in your life, and remember to stop and look around at the world. 

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