Entertainment Photography September 2022

Shooting bands is exciting, but often frustrating. I shoot for an entertainment magazine that wants lots of images of the band and the audience. Bands usually limit photos to first three songs of the headliner, no flash, and from certain areas like the stage pit. Some bands limit to one song and only from the sound booth, which is always behind the entire audience seating. Know ahead of time your limits and expectations, such as a meet and greet. Request additional equipment from the house to get the best view when needed. These photographs of Z Z Top were from about 50 meters away next to the sound setup. There was a tiny platform for three photographers, but I got permission to stand on the sound booth platform. Often, the venue will allow you to stay and listen to the bands set, but too often you get escorted outside. These types of shoots are fun when allowed backstage, and given time to interact with band members, especially those who understand we want to share their faces to an adoring public.

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